Monday, July 18, 2022

shading the greenhouse

high summer temperatures and the greenhouse gets a bit hot. so I've pegged on an old banner, rescued from a shop bin...

 think it must have been a christmas banner from the looks of the snowflakes... lol... 

it did the job and the greenhouse maximum was 38c.


WILDSIDE said...

claire, not sure if i should comment or not? but here goes... my greenhouse used night (not presently for plants) time for 3 boy ducks now -- yes, could appreciate shading such as what you show -- thankfully they are allowed to roam and wander further at free will.

clairesgarden said...

i'm glad you do comment. yes i've seen greenhouses put to many uses, not just for growing. they can be pretty solid structures and provide a lot of shelter.

WILDSIDE said...

claire, so max in your greenhouse over 100 f with shade... wow, HOT! (mine gets there on a regular basis -- but still i love it tho' now a mini-barn and no longer smells like a sauna...) we're going to have a heat wave this week -- this makes me know i need to stay in cooler climes.

have a bum foot from stepping on another rusty nail... got to give it a rest in order to heal, but that is difficult. thank you for letting me know you like me to comment -- i am often unsure of -- well most everything! but then there are things one thinks one knows for sure, isn't there?!? whether true or not. ok, all for now. until your next blog post.

WILDSIDE said...

Trying your trick now at 7 PM -- greenhouse was 100 -- to hot for bedtime! Found an old sheet with bicycle grease -- How old? Too old? I think it could be several decades... Time to be put to good use!

clairesgarden said...

it does make a difference.