Sunday, January 16, 2022

its only a weed if its in the wrong place....

 this is a nice healthy nettle, i've dug it up from the farm , where its not wanted.. and its now behind my shed and i hope to re-establish a nettle patch there. there was a heap of rubbish that i had to remove, goodness know what was all in it... bits of washing machine etc.. so i think the soil is toxic. nothing has grown in it for two years... i put some nettle in it last year and they didn't survive. 

I understand that sunflowers will take up toxins from the soil.. and then you must not compost them but dispose of them in ordinary rubbish bin.. as you would just be returning the toxins to the ground.... its a bit shady behind the shed but if this nettle does not survive then i'll try it.


WILDSIDE said...

claire, good luck! sunflowers are known to be alleopathic, and may deter the growth of other plants, but for a bit of cheer, WHO CAN EVER RESIST? Perhaps scatter some seed with the nettle, then see what happens? Advice to follow or not! (Not the wisest advice ever, but what I'd do! Scatterbrain that I am... LOL)

WILDSIDE said...

p.s. i have a small patch of self-sown nettles myself -- which i too hope survive, so won't be planting sunflowers with them! OK, being gardening mary contrary here... i'll go away for now...

clairesgarden said...

i'm only going to do the sunflower thing if this nettle does not grow...