Sunday, April 05, 2020

greenhouse problems

 part of the greenhousem south facing,  has been 'fixed' with some plastic 'wetwall' , possibly left over from the bathroom? or it might be bath siding? so the interior of the greenhouse is half shaded . it seems light enough so I am hoping things will still grow ok.
it looks very messy from this side and I don't like it at all. it will have to do till funds are available for either buying clear plastic that I can cut to size, or finding somewhere that cuts glass to size as both places I used before have closed.

broccoli and  spinach have germinated, the herbs have not yet shown anything. two tomatoes germinated out of the eight seeds planted.. so i've popped them into little baby pots, and have sown the rest of the seeds I have of those - a neighbour said he was unable to buy any tomato seeds and had I any spare..the answer to that is  no as I didnt' buy any, wanting to have these ones if they germinated and if they didn't I thought I could easily buy more. BUT as the nation goes garden crazy , because they've nothing else to do in lockdown while all this SHIT is going on .... toilet paper and veggy seeds.. seems you can't get them. hey ho.
will they continue to garden out of lockdown? who knows. I'm not bored at all, I'm still working at the hospital and its twice as much work for the same money. TIRED.


WILDSIDE said...

Claire, you did a good job repairing the greenhouse... It looks good to me. So sorry the seeds didn't all take... Here, I've got tomato starts & other up the ying-yang from self-saved seed, but I guess that be a good problem to have. It is yes a crazy time world wide -- some friends I know have rather dramatic stories to tell. And you have every right to be tired. Here at our house, we're grateful to still be working despite lockdown. But it is so frustrating trying to even just take care of business right now much less try and source things. Please take exceptional good care -- and I mean of you. Relax and enjoy what you can when you can. I'm trying that to do all the more these days; I continue to compose my long list of what would seem to be boring gratefuls to anyone else every morning, and am being also grateful for not too much more excitement! I need to end this comment now so as not to go overboard on it... Yes, take good care & I mean that.

clairesgarden said...

I am very grateful for the tomato seeds, and I've been travelling them with me in an envelope since 2005 so I think that any germinating is great. I've popped another eight seeds in and if I get more than one from that then there is spare to be gifted. x

WILDSIDE said...

You are so kind to do that... :-) Wow, all the way from 2005?

Wee hours here, best shut my eyes again before I wake up too much...

WILDSIDE said...

Claire, did you send me email a couple days ago? I have something once again that arrived directly to my spam folder that says and looks like it is from you but then again not sure -- it seems strange? So I don't open it. But if from you, sorry I missed it. Hope you are doing ok.

clairesgarden said...

last thing I sent was ''Free Module on Waste'' was one of the links to the free permaculture post.

WILDSIDE said...

Hmm... this one may be fishy then... I'll leave it be. Thanks, Claire.

Rob said...

Hi Claire, I hope you don't mind this link but I thought you might find it useful if you want to increase your quantity of Tomato plants. It's very easy to do and can also be useful if you want to extend the cropping season.

clairesgarden said...

hi Rob, that is a great idea , worth a try to have plenty of plants, and some to give away too which is always good.