here's a wee thing to while away time.. I like 'real' jigsaws and have a puzzle board to do them on, this means they can be put away which is essential when living with three cats.
A lifetime of kind horsemanship, I think we were doing natural horsemanship before it was ''invented''
I have completed Level One with Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship.
I am sad I can no longer access the Parelli learning platform, its just too expensive with too many changes.
I've tried some clicker training with good results , but haven't found any one person to wholly agree with. I guess I'll just need to keep trying to see what works
Cool! But I didn't stick with it very long...
when I'm tired it makes me go cross eyed
Oop! LOL! That was what was happening to me too. (I was up in the wee hours with a bout of insomnia, trying it out!)
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