I spent a lot of time at the weekend just trying to weed and clear up in the border. For most of last year the garden was not tended to and there was only a small amount of weeding done, well I found where the line was drawn....the bit that was weeded last year has been weeded and cleared without too much major drama........and then there is a clear cut line that is populated with couch grass, buttercups, flowers that like to take over, tree seedlings....and on and on.

oh my goodness. Its almost so bad that I am considering digging up what I know to be plants and putting them in pots and then having to clear and re-start the flower bed again.
oddly enough it might be easier that way.
There are areas of my garden that I've been ignoring but will have to work on soon- can be disheartening when there seems so much to do and the weeds take over. I have the buttercups in the front flowerbeds-brambles up back- always a nightmare to get all the roots up.
Work on a meter square at time :) laughing at myself here- l should take my own advice!
I had to do that with my perennial bed in the back yard last year. This year, I'll be doing it with a bed in the front yard that isn't serving my needs (desires) as well as I would like. I'm going to make better defined beds and raise more greens, herbs, and flowers for the bees rather than the hearty, bloom-once-a-year standards like irises and day lilies. I planted those there so I wouldn't have to fiddle with them, but now I want that square footage to be much more productive. Since I've only just begun this process, my body is slowly adjusting to all the extra activity after a fairly inactive winter. Hang in there and know that it's all a process.
Rivenfae, I know, its just the thought of it...
Horizon, I did that last year, 10 minutes at a time....thats why there is a place where I reached 'a line' thats where I'd got up to last year..
RR, ah, the extra activity...think its known as 'weeders knee', I've got it in my ankles too!
I'll never forget the spring my mother asked my dad to weed the flower beds and he pulled all the weak plants and left the hardy ones :-)
Susan, oh dear, thats why I won't ask anyone to help me.......
I weed therefore I am
Beautiful flowers in the post below!
I am a huge believer in the little chunk at a time method. 10 minutes. It will get done, not quickly but it will. I have an ivy problem and its a constant 10 minutes, but the ivy is 'at bay'. hopefully.
Wildside, I weed and I am never finished!!
Jess, this is what I did last year, however I never got all the way round and thats now why I have hit a 'wall of weeds'.
What can I say Clare, don't give up, it will be worth it in the end! Sounds like taking plants out and starting again your easiest option, probably best one too.
I've got to do somthing very similar in the next week or so in our back garden.. All my focus on growing food over the last couple of years means the flower beds have got a little ignored... Time for a tidy! :)
Yes keep the best plants maybe in pots and clear the rest out maybe then give the borders/beds some good organic matter ready for new planting
Briget, oh I've no intention of giving up..it might just take me a long time to catch up wtih everything...then its back to the beginning again..
P&M, the problem last year was every time it was dry enough there was only enough time to do the grass and the hedge and then it was raining again, the veggies suffered from neglect as well as the flower beds.
Landscape, yup, thats the plan...lets hope the weather plays too!!
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