Tuesday, May 27, 2008

bank holiday weekend

lovely to sit in the garden on a holiday monday, here's Daisy enjoying the sun.
columbines are self seeding everywhere, love the pink
love this one with its shades of purple and white
and this one. . .
and this one....
and this one....

I very nearly weeded this verbascum out, it has a base of flat leaves and I wasn't sure what they were.
some appeared on the other side of the garden too, glad the weeding doesn't get done too often!
bees love this centaurea montana-one of the cormflower family, its a fabulous colour , and thanks to Keith for the correct name and information on this one!
and those lovely furry poppy heads burst into big blousy orange poppys.


peppylady (Dora) said...

We just had a long weekend.
Everything looks so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Ah, so nice!!! I think it might be true that I like surprises best of all -- good to see you have them too!

gfid said...

i'm back for more inspiration, over a lunchtime cuppa.... planted 2 apple trees i plan to espalier against the house last night. i miss the poppies and columbines at the old house.... must plant some here. thanks for the tour :o)

clairesgarden said...

Dora, glad you had a holiday weekend too.
Wildside, unfortunately I had weeded a few of them out before I thought they might 'be something'. too afraid to weed now, ha thats an excuse!
Poetikat,thats a Daisy too! this is lovely area, i've lived here for six years and nearby for much longer. loved Canada and the US last year on holiday. like my home though!
GF, apples, mmmm. they;ll be ovely. i like the columbines and poppies as they self seed so freely. very generous things!!

Lowa said...

Gorgeous as always!

I am actually getting out there and attemtping to plant a few things this year. You would be so proud of me, CLaire:) I did some strawberries and raspberries as well as trying some seeds and already blooming flowers. I have some that I still need to get in the ground/planters.

Daisy is SO beautiful! Princess wants a kitten for her birthday this fall and I feel I must get her one...why not, right?? Who can resist a cat, allergies be damned! LOL

Anonymous said...

Claire, as you know, I use that excuse a bit too much to be practical here!!! But, ah! The result is so wonderful even if veggies suffer. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Great pics, as usual! They make me envious - there's not much colour in my New Zealand garden just now.
Methinks your Monarda is perhaps not a Monarda, but Centaurea montana - one of the cornflower family?

Anonymous said...

Little hello from Belgium. I love aquilegia (columbine)!

Dirty Fingernails said...

your columbine is wonderful!!! I only have one bush, but now it has tons of seed pods on it.. I will be collecting them shortly. Do you colect your seeds?

tlchang said...

Love all the columbine. That's one of the few 'non-edibles' that I allow to reseed itself and pop up all over...

clairesgarden said...

Lowa, good for you getting the gardening bug!!
Wildside, I've stuff being overgrown now, have to take some time to weed them out.
Silene, hello to you in Belgium!
DF, I have collected seeds to give away before, mine came from some gifted plants and some packets of seeds.
Tara, they are getting spread all the garden, in a fantastic mix of colours.

Vérone said...

The cats et flowers is beautiful !!!

clairesgarden said...

Keith, yes your right! I think somewhere in my head I knew that and had forgetten so thankyou!
Verone, thankyou! where are you visiting from?

Kerri said...

Daisy is a gorgeous girl! I love the little ballerina blooms of Columbine. Mine reseeds vigorously so I occasionally pull some out and try to pass it on. My Centaurea seeds like crazy and that's one I'm ruthless with, or it'll take over. It comes out hard! My poppies haven't popped quite yet but things are opening quickyly since we had badly needed rain on Thursday night. And the weeds are growing...and the lawn too...on and on it goes :)