I stopped at the garden centre on the way home for essentials and these deer were grazing in the field behind. this is my zoom on maximum. it was nice to see them, and the garden centre was very quiet. . .no gardening today!
Your deer look a bit different to ours. Nice to see them, isn't it? As long as they're not in the road...or our gardens ;) Was snow a nice change from the rain? We had a beautiful, sunshiny day, before the sleet, snow and rain descend on us again.
Granny, hope those plants grow well for you! look forward to your first tomato!! Lilymarlene, think thats all the snow! Tara, I think they are roe deer, theres several kinds in scotland. waiting impatiently here too! Dora, the snow didn't lie yesterday, about and inch or so and then it melted. no gardening here either. Gary, it was nice to see them, haven't seen any for a long time. Kerri, well the snow melted, and now its cold and rain is forecast. . .doom and gloom.
A lifetime of kind horsemanship, I think we were doing natural horsemanship before it was ''invented''
I have completed Level One with Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship.
I am sad I can no longer access the Parelli learning platform, its just too expensive with too many changes.
I've tried some clicker training with good results , but haven't found any one person to wholly agree with. I guess I'll just need to keep trying to see what works
I got brave today and purchased two tomato plants, 2 cucumber, and an alyssium (sp.? - it's purple and small).
My husband gets to plant them. I am the kiss of death.
I'll let you know if I ever see the first tomato.
That is a super grainy shot.....like a painting!
What kind of deer do you have there?
Can't wait for gardening.. Spring... Sunshine...
No gardening been happen around here it snow about an inch this morning.
We still have about 12 inches of snow here on the ground.
Nice to see the green coming up through the brown too...and I love the wee Scottish deer.
Your deer look a bit different to ours. Nice to see them, isn't it? As long as they're not in the road...or our gardens ;)
Was snow a nice change from the rain? We had a beautiful, sunshiny day, before the sleet, snow and rain descend on us again.
Granny, hope those plants grow well for you! look forward to your first tomato!!
Lilymarlene, think thats all the snow!
Tara, I think they are roe deer, theres several kinds in scotland. waiting impatiently here too!
Dora, the snow didn't lie yesterday, about and inch or so and then it melted. no gardening here either.
Gary, it was nice to see them, haven't seen any for a long time.
Kerri, well the snow melted, and now its cold and rain is forecast. . .doom and gloom.
You did really well to get that shot, so atmospheric. I love it!
aaargh! the 's' word!!!
Matron, it was nice to see the deer, haven't seen any for ages!
Grannyfiddler, sorry, am posting a cute one for your tomorrows coffee.
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