I am inside the greenhouse looking out at this. . .

todays project is putting this lot back together

to make another bench, it'll get dismantled as I need a clear side to let the tomato plants grow tall.

here's the onion seeds, doing their mad 'hat dance'

and I'm starting to plant up more things, here are leeks, celeriac, sweet-peas and marigolds. they are all fairly hardy, I'm waiting a couple more weeks before starting everything else. a little warmer and I can put the onions out into a cold frame and clear up some space for the mad planting session to come.
Hi Claire,
I love seeing your seed trays and am amazed at how tidy your greenhouse looks. It's also good to see grass again .. rain I could live with. I just want the snow to become a distant memory.
I enjoyed reading your crazy 8s!
i'm with Kate... i raise my coffee mug in toast of the lovely greenness out your greenhouse window... i'm green with envy. aside from the envy, the only green in my life is the furry stuff growing in the back of the fridge... and the green beer that'll be @ the St Paddy's gig tomorrow night.
mad onion seed hat dance!!!! love it!!!
You're amazing Claire. You so obviously love the earth and what it can grow..
It looks like it's been raining there... and just a few minutes ago it started pouring rain out here too.
It is amazing how much work you do with the planting. One day I hope to have proper places made outside to plant in, like raised gardens with good soil and compost worked in, then I can start to grow some of my own food too. I always manage to get a few flowers growing out there, though could use more, haha. I used to have chocolate mint, but it died off last year, so will plant it again this year. It's wonderful for tea.
Sooo tidy! It's lovely to see all that new life springing up. Makes me think I should get out in my garden and have a tidy up!
Kate, the greenhouse had a good tidy out at the end of last year, we always have grass, unfortunatly we always have rain too...
Grannyfiddler, I cant imagine constant snow and no green, we don't get it here, and the onions always do the 'seed hat' dance!
Gary, gee, thankyou
Alice, i dont think of all the work done in the garden as hard, just a good way to pass time.
Lisa, tha garden doesn't look tidy in reality. . .
Wow, you're a handyman (girl) too! But I'm not at all surprised. You're very self-sufficient. Good on you! It's great to see the onions doing the 'hat dance' :) I have some flower seedlings doing that too. I want to start so many more but there's really nowhere to put them until it's warm enough for them to go on the covered side porch. The urge is hard to fight!
Kerri, not much of a handy person, I just pulled a curtain rail down and called for help! help arrived very quicly and the curtains are now safely attached!!
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