view from the plane, over Greenland, flying to Calgary


stop for coffee on the way from Calgary to Nelson

nice house, fabulous view, coffee provided

comfy seats, couldnt quite squeeze this in my suitcase to bring home. . .

lake Kootenay from Nelson

somewhere on the road from Nelson to Portland, Oregon (route 385)

Deborah Ann, with two of her grandchildren, Portland

the view from the Greyhound bus as I escape from the grandchildren . . . .

friends kindly having me for a visit, I could look and look at this view forever. . .

beautiful gardens to dream in

adventures on the high seas

stop for lunch

Bob cat

feryy to Anderson island

scottish cows! Belted Galloway.

bannana slug


space ship on a stick (loved it, had lunch!!)

Ty cat

on the road back to Canada

meeting Alice and Reba in Nelson,

small plane from Castlegar to Calgary

large plane to Scotland

can just see Scotland, home, tired, jet lagged!!
Glad you enjoyed your trip to Nelson. I haven't yet seen in wild lupine yet in bloom.
My Aunt gave me some lupine which is about to bloom.
Welcome home. I looks like you had a very nice trip. I hope you post some more pictures and details. We want details!
Claire - you covered a lot of territory. I loved the shot over Greenland. There's something pretty special about the Rockies ... and you were in Castlegar! There is a fiddle camp held there - my fiddle group learned a song, entitled Castlegar Moon. That was a little plane ...from Castelgar to Calgary.
I hope you'll post more photos!
Your photos are amazing. Looks like a fabulous holiday.
Sara from farmingfriends
Peppylady, Nelson was a nice place, too mcuh travelling for the rest of it though!
kati, glad to be home, not sure there are many more details to give, too much of highwasys and
gas stations. . .
Kate, I'll tell Deb to look out for the fiddle group, she's very musical.
Sara, enjoyed te hliday and the sights and people, I'm just not good at travelling.
welcome home, weary traveller! i'm sure your garden and your cats are as delighted to have you back as you are to be home. tea in the garden?
that photo journal is a real life-in-a-nutshell! and, as always, and as has already been well said, your photos are stunning.
the weather in Alberta has finally turned to spring... very sad that only cold weather showed up to greet you when you were here. but it appears that wasn't the case everywhere you went.
hope you can relax and take time to settle your roots back into your own earth now that you're home.
Those trumpet like green plants look interesting.....are they ferns?
Grannyfiddler, more like some wine to drink in the garden!! it was warm in Nelson and cold in Calgary when I left Canada on Friday, a lot of difference!
Lilymarlene, do you mean in the previous post? thats a close up od a lichen flower, its about a half inch tall in real life.
a toast to you, then. i'll take white wine, not too dry.
wow, the size of that tire .. dangg .. loved the lake picture .. looks soo serene.
Grannyfiddler, here's to you too!
Nabell, its the 'biggest' lorry for carrying coal, I imaging the ineer tyre would make a good raft.
Great photo journal, Claire. It is rare (extremely) that I actually like a photo of me, however, I like this one of me & Reba. I hope you don't mind, I downloaded it and will post it on my blog. :o)
Please make sure that banana slug did not make it back in your luggage! We have trouble enough over here without foreign, exotic invaders! Great photos!
I looked at these photos when you posted them Claire, but I don't see a comment...must've been on the run. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.
Nice to see a Belted Galloway so far from bonnie Scotland :)
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