there are three beds of 4x8ft, one 3x8ft,one of 4ft square, other stuff is planted in amongst flower beds, in buckets and pots and the greenhouse.
New Years Resolution::I have to stop saying 'you can never have too many seeds'.
some time later; this has now reduced to a box of unopened veg seeds, a box of half used seeds and box of flower seeds. I have outlined next years plan, and really don't need to replace the seeds I have. So this years shopping list severly reduced from 'whatever you like' to these four things; beetroot, corn, parsnip, potatoes.
Hey Claire-
That looks like all the desktops and flat surfaces in my computer room right now. ;~)
By the way, I finally got around to the 5 Things meme.
Happy New Year!
What is it with us women and boxes??-lol. My mum is the one who is always buying the seeds- she never uses them though- drives me mad!
l hope you are well and warm. Looks like we have a fair bit of wind on the way for Hogmanay- oh well, l was planning on a quiet night in this year anyway.
ps- l did the meme too :)x
Jim, coming right over to check your meme, thanks for joining in.
Horizon, the boxes are for organising things, sure. I am a self confessed seed-holic. will try not to do that any more! thanks for doing the meme too!
Gee, Claire, all that seems like a rather harsh beginning to the new year. Where will you have your pleasure now? (Treat that as retorical!) LOL I've not done the meme yet, wicked me...
Gee... looks like my house lately, haha.
Claire... you've been tagged!! Go to my blog for more info on playing blogger tag, lol.
Michael, oh well, I might have to turn my shopping habit in a different direction, not so hard!!
Alice, I have managed to clear that table now. I had to clear it in the first place to put all that stuff on it!
Claire, every time I clear a table off more stuff appears... yikes!
I left you a post on my blog and will tell you here too... since you already did the meme I'll let you off the hook and pick an alternate. Have a great day.
Sure isn't it the way with new year resolutions that they are made to be broken.......
Hi Claire,
Looks like you and I have been up to the same of late... Seed inventory mania! I found some dating back to 2002... Lots saved from my garden that aren't useful and so I won't be using... Feeding to chickens instead. But a big order has been made for the 2007 garden thanks to another gift cert received as a holiday gift.
So happy new year and best of luck with that resolution for keeping seed mania in check! I know I can't.
By the way, you've been tagged again by way of my blog, but I see you and Alice have worked that one out... So no worries about feeling compelled to answer the "weird"-ness!
Fiona, indeed, sure.
Wildside, sorry no I am deffering on the tag thing. hopefuly the seeds and the garden can stay within bounds this year. part of the reason for the total excess is last year I was still expecting to have my extra bit of ground. which was why I had four different kinds of onions, etc. well, smaller plans this year to use up all those seeds ad next year can be buying time again.
New Years Resolution::I have to stop saying 'you can never have too many seeds'.
yes - you'll have to change it to "you never seem to have enough seeds" isn't it true? there's always one more lovely thing to try. not such a heinous crime... there are worse things to collect, and seeds are so useful, and never wasted. even if they end up as chicken food, or in the compost.
i hope you had a very happy Hogmanay
I always buy too many seeds. Sigh. And I'm always banging my head in July, wondering what madness came over me in midwinter.
Grannyfidder, happy hogmany! there is always something tempting in the seed catalouge! but I am going to try not to overdo it this time.
Madcap, its the lack of sunlight, and the seeds promise that its coming back!
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