its the first in five years, a cob of corn!

I think it is slightly under ripe but its fine to go in salad

there is a swirl of hairs up the stem of the sweet-corn. It just hasn't had a long enough seasonand there isn't much shelter in the garden. I will have to do some research into quicker maturing varieties.
Looking good Claire! We can usually grow sweet corn without difficulty, but this year our cobs were small and fewer in number due to the cool, wet summer we had. Perhaps you got our summer! ;-)
I wonder if starting the plants early in 10 gallon buckets inside the greenhouse would give them a headstart? Might be worth a try as the root system is not that large.
Yippy! Corn in the salad.
A feast!
congrats on your ear.
Great shots of autumns harvest of corn!
I would say corn looks under ripe.
When we grow corn here in North Idaho we look on seed packages the shortess days to maturity.
Right now the wind is howling and snowing to beat the drums.
Michael, we had a warm summer compared with normal, I think mostly they suffer because I have no shelter. also I will have to get an 'early' maturing one I think.
Becky, thankyou! its the one and only, its too cold now for any more.
Naturegirl, I had to photograph it several times to prove it was real!!
Peppylady, it was under-ripe but good to have in the salad, its getting colder here but not snowing yet, hope you're keeping warm!!
what a beautiful husk this corn has! i grow an ornamental corn with similar purplish husks (but with the loveliest stripes through it) but my kernels are purplish too.
Grannyfiddler, its certainley provided good ornament in the garden, nice tall plants, but I'd love some corn to eat so a different kind next year.
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