the greenhouse has been swept out and furniture moved around. I placed some flowering pots in there to see if they will keep flowering for longer now the nights are getting chilly and some days are outright miserable.
I like your Fuchsias. Your greenhouse looks nice and tidy, is that a busy lizzie on the shelf next to the Fuchsia? I should think it will help to keep them flowering longer than if they were outside.
Somehow in thirteen thursday I was out blogg hoping and came across your blogg. Sometime ago you posted a picture of a primerose. My friend Qunelle and I bought some a few years ago and both of our rotted out. I was wondering what kind of primerose you had it was beautiful.
Good going with the greenhouse- l wish l had one. We put a shed up instead. Oh well- one day. Lovely Fuchsias too. Looking forward to the weather along with you :)
Bob, these are not hardy fuschias so they are cut back and kept inside onece they stop flowering. it is indeed a busy lizzie, its been flowering non-stop for ages and its starting to suffer with the cold now, long may it last. Peppylady, I will look out some primula photos for you and post them. not all my primulas have come back the next year. the best ones have been shared from friends. Horizon, I do like the greenhouse, I cant have a conservatory so sometimes I go out and sit in it when we're having that 'weather'. it gives the neighbors something to talk about anyway. Tea and Margaritas, thankyou for visiting, tea always on the go here too. I love the greenhouse its been a great adition to the garden. Madcap, bear in mind that sheds and greenhouses are never big enough and you will need another one five minutes later. ha.
Wildside, I could't sign in to your yeaterday, got in this morning. It was raining off and on so thats why I stayed in the greenhouse, it needed it too!
I love your greenhouse and agree it is never big enough...and alas, mine is also unheated. So, it will not be livable no matter how sunny the day once the sun sets and we have that -40C. weather we often get around here, sigh.
Thats what I like about Fuchsias, apart from the flowers which are so beautiful, you can just cut the plant back a bit and shove it under the bench for the winter, although it always seems a shame to treat them that way when they produce such lovely blooms for us to enjoy.
I envy you your greenhouse. Is it heated? Buzy Lizzies and fuchsias...two of my favourites!I've wanted to get a pale pink, but always end up with red, for the hummingbirds. Can't have them all. Wish I could though :) Mum used to grow both these plants so beautifully. Fuchsias would grow in the garden....six feet tall (and hang over) just lovely! I grew up with a wonderful gardener :)
A lifetime of kind horsemanship, I think we were doing natural horsemanship before it was ''invented''
I have completed Level One with Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship.
I am sad I can no longer access the Parelli learning platform, its just too expensive with too many changes.
I've tried some clicker training with good results , but haven't found any one person to wholly agree with. I guess I'll just need to keep trying to see what works
I like your Fuchsias. Your greenhouse looks nice and tidy, is that a busy lizzie on the shelf next to the Fuchsia? I should think it will help to keep them flowering longer than if they were outside.
Somehow in thirteen thursday I was out blogg hoping and came across your blogg.
Sometime ago you posted a picture of a primerose. My friend Qunelle and I bought some a few years ago and both of our rotted out.
I was wondering what kind of primerose you had it was beautiful.
Good going with the greenhouse- l wish l had one. We put a shed up instead. Oh well- one day.
Lovely Fuchsias too.
Looking forward to the weather along with you :)
I enjoyed looking at your Kilmartin pictures. Looks like an interesting place!
Love your greenhouse. That`s something I`d love to have.
Chive was looking at these pictures last night and saying, "We have GOT to build a greenhouse in the next place".
Bob, these are not hardy fuschias so they are cut back and kept inside onece they stop flowering. it is indeed a busy lizzie, its been flowering non-stop for ages and its starting to suffer with the cold now, long may it last.
Peppylady, I will look out some primula photos for you and post them. not all my primulas have come back the next year. the best ones have been shared from friends.
Horizon, I do like the greenhouse, I cant have a conservatory so sometimes I go out and sit in it when we're having that 'weather'. it gives the neighbors something to talk about anyway.
Tea and Margaritas, thankyou for visiting, tea always on the go here too. I love the greenhouse its been a great adition to the garden.
Madcap, bear in mind that sheds and greenhouses are never big enough and you will need another one five minutes later. ha.
Have tried several times to comment here with difficulty (BETA blogger, hmphf!!)
Admiring your tidy; could use more of that here!
Also "On The Road" post -- very poetic!
Wildside, I could't sign in to your yeaterday, got in this morning. It was raining off and on so thats why I stayed in the greenhouse, it needed it too!
I love your greenhouse and agree it is never big enough...and alas, mine is also unheated. So, it will not be livable no matter how sunny the day once the sun sets and we have that -40C. weather we often get around here, sigh.
Thats what I like about Fuchsias, apart from the flowers which are so beautiful, you can just cut the plant back a bit and shove it under the bench for the winter, although it always seems a shame to treat them that way when they produce such lovely blooms for us to enjoy.
I envy you your greenhouse. Is it heated? Buzy Lizzies and fuchsias...two of my favourites!I've wanted to get a pale pink, but always end up with red, for the hummingbirds. Can't have them all. Wish I could though :) Mum used to grow both these plants so beautifully. Fuchsias would grow in the garden....six feet tall (and hang over) just lovely! I grew up with a wonderful gardener :)
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