I travelled to Lochgoilhead yesterday to see this performance.
Kala Cheena Kathakali Company perform
Hima SundariHima Sundari is in the garden thinking about how she was born a princess and is now a servant in her own palace. She is deeply sad with nobody to tell of her tragic life until she meets a Prince while gathering flowers in the Palace garden.
The Price and Hima Sundari
She tells him that her stepmother killed her parents and is trying to kill her. The Prince begs her to leave with him , but afraid of the Queen , she refuses, telling him to forget her. He vows to return to release her from her stepmothers evil domination.
The Evil Queen
The Queen is in the palace reflecting on her good looks when she notices her beauty is fading. She asks the lake"Who is the most beautiful?" "The Princess" is the reply! She vows to kill the princess and calls for her sevant to kill her then bring back her heart as evidence.
The Evil Servant
The young girl is caught by the servant and pleads for her life.
The Evil Servant and Hima Sundari
Realising the Queen is evil he relaeases her then takes the heart of a deer to the Queen. She rewards him with a garland of flowers. The lake continues to tell her that the Princess is the most beautiful so the Queen vows to kill her personally.
Hima Sundari and the Evil Queen in disguise
The Queen, in disguise, enters the forest carrying the venom of a snake. Finding the home where Hima Sundari has found sanctuary she invites her to take a walk but Hima Sundari refuses. Eventually the Queeen tempts her with fruit to come outside. Hima Sundari eats the poisoned fruit and falls to the ground. The Queen changes back into her arrogant character and rejoices.
The Prince searching for his Princess
The Prince is sleeping in his palace thinking of his beloved. Awaking he rellises he has been dreaming and begins to search for the Princess.
After years of searching he sees vultures flying over the lifeless body of the Princess beign cared for by animals. Elephants taking water from the river for her and peacocks spreading their tails to keep her cool.
He covers her with flower petals. Overcome with grief he turns to leave then miraculously the scent of the flowers wakes her up, bringing them together again.

The Prince and Pricess leave together
The Queen and her servant attack the couple, the Prince kills the Queen and is about to kill the servant when the Princess begs for lenicancy. The servant is realeased and they leave to make a new life together.