the view from the boathouse balcony on Monday evening as the sun set, amazing how it keeps the hills in the light till the very last. we had a nice paddle across the river and had a rolling practice when we got back. sorry to report I failed to roll my sea-kayak so instead transferred to a river rotobat so I ended the evening on a 'at least I rolled something' note. its been about two years since I tried that and am somewhat dissapointed as I'm usually the 'person who can roll anything'. ah well, age and lack of practice obviously creeping in somewhere!!!
What an amazing shot!
And Claire, I'll confess something with a red face. I can't roll my kayak either -- but it's a big herking thing and the water is way too cold to be in it for long... I did practice it once in a pool when I took a class to learn how to do it. So I tell people who borrow the boat, just don't tip over! Then find I have to go on and on reassuring them that the likelihood they are going to roll over unintentionally is very slim from our launch -- especially if they are just planning on a little paddle near shore. But wouldn't be if they got into tougher conditions.
Claire, have been wondering for awhile if you would care to exchange snail mail & email addresses? Here is the email I'm using for blogging purposes: wildside_e@hotmail.com You can email me there and let me know if you like. But I'll just say this: I'd completely understand if you don't! ;-)
Hi Claire!
Rolling is definitely something one needs to practice frequently. I am back from my little trip and will try to finish my 'cheater' rolling kayak so I can practice in an easy-to-roll boat. My QCC boat rolls, but can be stubborn at times, especially if I'm tired. I have friends who roll as soon as they launch, when they're fresh every times they go out. Perhaps a good idea!
Now, here I thought the point of a boat was staying OUT of the water, not giving yourself a dunk!
That's a beautiful shot. I love the colours.
Did that baby ever get a name, btw?
love photos thanks , the trees make a pretty site don't understand about ruining a bog, not having ever view one.
Stunning photo Claire - it is so hot here and still no rain, but your picture has cooled me down again.
Land locked where I live - so it is nice to see water.
Wildside, yes we'll kepp in touch. the rolling thing is just pride, to show the 'new ones' how its done, ha, this is a demonstration on drowning more like!!
Michael, I really havent practiced for about two years, but I remember when I got this paddle I had to change tecnique slightly. http://www.snewsnet.com/cgi-bin/snews/01783.html
Madcapmum, baby Angus, after his dad. and hopefully I will only ever get a dunking when I mean to!
Patsy, I will try to post some information about the bog, to explain, Ill need a book to explain properly.
Allotment Lady, thankyou, it was a beautiful evening, wish I lived there!
Ha! Angus, love it. But all I can think about is the Angus bull we had in our ranch's collection of five!
Thanks for your contact info -- I'll be in touch!
Oh thats really pretty
Wildside, I can't believe she couldn't think of anything else she said.
Dragonfly, thankyou, it was a nice evening there and raining when I got home.
Angus...yes, we have a herd of black angus cows nearby. A pretty hefty name for a little fellow :)
Your picture is really stunning. What a sky!
Interesting info about the peat bogs.
Kerri, yes its a good scottish name, we looked at the peat thing on a permaculture course as part of how we affect what is around us.
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