Monday, June 24, 2024

Van life reality | Grim weather | Our parking app is not working


WILDSIDE said...

Hi Claire, didn't watch this, tho' was tempted. we're in the midst of a heat wave here (110F / 43C? for hubby and 90F /32 C plus for me)... and I noticed a lot of transit vans, work vans, and pickup truck campers at the library today -- the library has air conditioning! and internet...

clairesgarden said...

they were travelling in Scotland, the weather has been cold and damp here. I have been gardening some, but not got round to posting any photos, will try to do so soon.
living in a van would be nice for a short time, a holiday or a season, but wouldn't be for me for a permanant thing. I did like staying in the caravan on the farm but needed a washing machine.... and not one on the place to use.

WILDSIDE said...

Do you have one in your home now? I remembered working in the forest / wilderness doing wildlife surveying years ago... far off the beaten path and sleeping alfresco in a tent alone out there and washing up with my hankerchief! I almost walked off a massive cliff one night as I fell asleep while working... but I too craved a laundry facilities -- so laundromats on weekends and then food shopping too. Just to go
back to the wilderness on Mondays. My favorite job of all time. Didn't work well for keeping a home relationship together, sad to say!

BTW, been picking up travel books re: Scotland at the library sales! I still may come, and planning to, but home life here proving more expensive than ever imagined.

clairesgarden said...

a washing machine was the first thing I bought.
and then a hedge trimmer.... lol....

everything is expensive.