Sunday, July 02, 2023

catch up with seed planting

sowed some more carrots and turnips, though they're not doing so well from the first sowing... possible too dry... these ones have been rained on already.. lol... also some flowers along one edge, some chard and some ''italian rapa'',,, which describes itself as a turnip leaf but has a picture of sprouting broccoli... we'll see what that turns into.? also planted out some extra tomato plants , which i covered with a crate to protect from the wind and heavy rain or they would have been smooshed already. I've never tried tomatoes outside before. 


WILDSIDE said...

is that your compost bin? i like how you have it over your garden bed -- it is an easy to way to enrich the soil! i sometimes try to do that -- have the bin where i need the fertilizing. sometimes can't do that and it means lots of ucky digging out and lugging... have a good day, claire!

clairesgarden said...

yes its a wee compost bin, i've got three, the other two are still where they've always sat... and I thought yes it would be easier to just lift it and spread the compost directly on a bed... so when the other two are emptied... maybe one this year.. they will be sat on a veggy bed. they don't 'compost' very quickly.. I never get around to turning them ...