Friday, April 21, 2023

Visiting some Must See sights on the Isle of Skye while marvelling at th...


WILDSIDE said...

Thanks again, Claire! I am curious about Skye... When I was "researching" (term used rather extremely loosely!) one of the family name that came from Scotland, they mentioned this area too...(actually, I think both of the family names may be from this area -- on my mom's side... OK, too much info, but I like learning about where you are... And I was laughing about the old tractor, very similar to our farm when I was growing up -- old trucks and tractors strewn about the place and I remember you saying when you saw that old abandoned car on Anderson Island that it wouldn't happen where you come from. I'll come back later and watch this one hopefully. I hope all goes well for you there today. It is a wet and cold and late spring here, but I now see some blossoms on a few of our plum trees, so that is very promising -- if only the bees would get to work! Take care there and don't give up on your garden -- as you already know, there is magic in a seed and a bit of earth. (This is my letter to you!)

WILDSIDE said...

p.s. found some photocopied passport application papers at a local post office, but none of the necessary materials at home to fill them out yet. i hear it takes a long time once i do. plus? other people living by my very own name may complicate things... yet??? no answer there yet, but i do love you sharing Scotland here with me.