Friday, February 17, 2023

Falkirk.. The Wheel, The Kelpies, The Romans and More.


WILDSIDE said...

Stopping at 3:33 today... The John Muir Trail -- named after a crazy American that we're quite proud of... (er, um, must admit, actually he was born a Scotsman...; LOL)

Thank you, Claire, for a pointer at yet another place to see. I think part of my family tree may have been from here. Not sure.

WILDSIDE said...

Claire, if I were to visit you where you are (again, not quite right now, as I have my mom to look out for & don't as yet have a passport), would you be willing to show me around your environs but also come with me on an adventure to the southern tip of Ireland? He mentioned a tunnel to explore -- and there is another tunnel I'd like to check out down there. There are other things in your part of the world I'd like to experience firsthand as well as to get more of an idea of what it is like... But today? I am travelling via this video and admittedly a bit of "fantasyland" -- ie. using the imagination...).

clairesgarden said...

yes !! xx

WILDSIDE said...

thanks for that reply, Claire. Well, i hope to someday be there, may be on my grand world tour! (LOL, but seriously...)