Saturday, June 11, 2022

greenhouse tour . Sunday 5th June 22

 Casper is not happy , chairs removed from the greenhouse to make way for tomato plants.... and now the weather is typical Scotland summer of cold, rain , wind.........


WILDSIDE said...

hi clair, & lots of rain and chill here too, so sympathize -- they call it an "atmospheric river" -- the ducklings are now up to digging out their own mud pond & happily so! threats: coyotes yipping and howling very nearby on the drive at night, owls, eagles, hawk in the air... there are probably raccoons around too, as yet unseen. yet bird song galore in the wee hours of dawn and throughout the day despite road noise and constant humming. i am back to loving the rain once again. it's what we have -- so what other choice is there? (!)

clairesgarden said...

i've been out gardening in the rain today, waterproofs on and planting.... I managed a short ride on Quince, only up and down the drive... without rain..just as I came back it started to rain, glad I missed it.
sounds lovely with all the wildlife you have there.
I had a garden video from last week full of bird song... but there was no cat in the greenhouse so thats why I refilmed

WILDSIDE said...

our love to you & Casper -- and Quince! i'm glad you got out...

and yes, to waterproofs! need to improve upon that part of my wardrobe -- my present pair of rubber boots (er, wellies?) have sprung a leak!

WILDSIDE said...

Keep coming back to watch -- to remember what your voice sounds like! (Yes, one (me) tends to forget over time... You speak very clearly in your video... I like the potatoes about to be harvested in the corner -- mine in pots overgrown by rain -- keep wondering about harvesting them? only one has reverted almost to blooming at this stage -- tho' all my radishes are blooming -- so will eat the blooms as well as enjoy them for as long as I can...)
Eagle overhead now, beautiful sound, so ducks still as yet locked in. That is today so far -- almost 7 AM!