Tuesday, May 10, 2022

rainy days


torrential rain, good for hostas I dug up from the garden and potted yesterday...unfortunately whenever I have a few days off work the weather always seems to be rubbish.....

seeds planted in  the greenhouse today.... Purple sprouting broccoli Suttons Mix and home collected from the best plant from last winter. Cabbage Winter Jewel and Savoy Perfection. Collards Vates. Leaf Beet Perpetual Spinach and Swiss Chard Lucillus. Spinach Giant Winter and Giant Nobel. Kale Vates Blue Scotch Curled. Leek De Carentan 2. Cauliflower Suttons Romanescue. Summer Savory. Courgette Golden Griller. Cucumber Lemon. Brussels Sprouts Long Island Improved

think thats enough for one rainy afternoon. . I'll get some photos up tomorrow. 

1 comment:

WILDSIDE said...

dear claire -- ah, the cucumber lemon! a favorite. yes, finally, (FINALLY), found some seed being sold and got that started too. i just hope it survives! (a tad bit difficult right now...). i am also finally back to loving the rain. but also any day particularly sunny!

wishing you more sunny days there. hang on, little tomato?!?