Sunday, August 08, 2021

rain rain rain

yipee... there are two aubergines, just about three inches long, i'll let them fatten up for a few days , then eat them.. lol. there are also a few sweet peppers about the size of my thumbnail, hope they get to eating size soon. both aubergine and peppers in the greenhouse and are infested with greenfly...
this is a lemon cucumber and about as big as you want them, this one and two smaller ones made it into a pasta salad yesterday.
the constoluto tomato monster !! most of them are single ones, this seems to be three squashing together! all the tomato plants now have fruit on them, but not anywhere near ripe. I'm cutting off all the extra growth now, just let ripen whats already there.
the courgette planted outside was decimated by slugs, this is a second planting, kept in the greenhouse in a bucket, its just started to flower so I hope it will produce . I'm glad it was kept inside as the second planting of pumpkin again was decimated... even with slug nematodes applied...
this is a sparrowhawk, sitting on the roof of a house opposite, probably the reason there are very few little birds to be seen anywhere.... 

after a too hot two weeks its now been thunderstorms and heavy rain for about four days, I got the front grass cut yesterday but the back is thicker and too wet... it'll have to wait till it drys up during the week.. if it drys up, this is typical of when I have a week off work, the weather does not play fair. I got some of the blackthorn branches removed from the back hedge yesterday, the main part of them will need a chainsaw massacre.... if my friend has time to do that, there's so much big stuff needing tamed all over the garden.

as I was typing , saw the sparrowhawk  fly over the top of the gardens.

1 comment:

WILDSIDE said...

LOL, Claire... Been here before and I think I need to reread this now.
But here some RAIN would be nice & beneficial, tho' I am loving the sunshine and stars.