This is Saltheart Foamfollower(the name comes from a character who is a sea-faring giant in a novel by Stephen Donaldson) a Valley Nordkapp original, I think they are now calling it 'heritage' instead of original, ha. The beach looks a bit messy as they are doing some building on this island, its a National Trust island I think. This trip to Loch Lomond today being the first I have been on this year! A Scottish Canoeing Association trip run by Mike Thomson, well attended and great weather. I ran out of steam towards the end though so tomorrow I am going to be more than a bit sore!

Ben Lomond still showing snow, a seagull obligingly flew into shot just as I pressed the shutter, a good photo moment by accident as usual!

I came home to find this crocus I bought last week had flowered. It is called Barr's Purple and I couldn't find it in any books so I had no idea what it looked like until today, and I like it! It is quite small so I suspect it is an alpine kind of thing. 'Stuff'is germinating away in the greenhouse, veggies and flowers but I am too tired out to make a list- I can do that tomorrow when I am so stiff I can hardly move, great!!