I am not overly fond of early mornings, however the new stables Abbey is now living at it seems early mornings all go... they seem to have done a days work by the time I turned her out at 8.30am. I took my camera with me as yesterday presented some fabulous photo opportunitys when I did not have the camera, I will wait a million years for them to be repeated..blah blah humbug. here she is today grazing with Pie and Trinket.

Pippa providing a lovely photo opportunity...

the pheasant must be a regular visior as Abbey did not spook at him

fluffed up in the chilly morning.

spiders working hard as usual

my lap top no longer prints the letter "b". I have to copy and paste or think of another way of saying it. electronics.......
It looks as though you were well rewarded for getting up so early. Abbey looks happy with her new friends and the dawn light is magnificent.
(and _reathtakingly _eautiful!)
Susan, I must always take a camera.... the photo's I've missed!! I'm getting more used to the early starts and the cats complain they like long lies in....
Wildside, thankyou!! oh that letter is very annoyingly used in a lot of conversation. I am getting more creative at never using it....
wow! and these aren't as good as the photos you missed?! Abbey with no 'b'?
Aloloey (if we could just get the 'l' to stick to the west side of the 'o'.
or, if she has latino blood and pronounces a 'v' as a 'b' sound, Avvey
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