Wednesday, September 28, 2011

shiny new boots

Abbey's got new reflective boots for going out in the evenings now the light is not great after work, she doesn't look too impressed.... as for the wet and needing webbed hooves just look at the puddles in the riding area...
nice and warm today but its a strange stormy feeling heat. just paid somebody to cut my grass and have started to clear the veggie beds out. got some final courgettes of the plants so I have chopped and frozen them to make pasta sauce probably at a later date. the peas are quite finished now, Alderman peas for next year definately very very nice to snack on.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

rain and rot

the greenhouse is cleared out, the remaining tomatoes to ripen in an egg box in a drawer. I have no idea why that works but it does. the veggies still out are rotting where they stand, in the neglected overgrown garden... it looks derelict...
and the rain goes on and on....
whenever I have time its too wet to get anything done, I keep having to pay for somebody to cut the grass as it ends up too long and wet for me to do it. and at the moment I have no money to pay anybody and it started to look overgrown two weeks ago... I have a long weekend off in about three weeks so I would hope to get it cleared then. I think I'll rip everything out and cover the veggy beds in black weed control fabric which will keep it looking neater. I am not convinced its particularly good for the soil wildlife/bacteria though.
the flower beds need some clearing too, as the lovely things which look after themselves and spread are now all growing on top of each other. I'll try to pot up stuff I take out so I can give them away to grow elsewhere.
I did manage to get my hedge cut so it looks nice and tidy, last year my best birthday present was a battery powered hedge trimmer, it makes doing the hedge very quick and easy... I've almost got the hang of getting it to look straight.
so if there is a dry spell today I intend to rush out and play with my pony... poor negelcted garden doesn't get a look in!!

Saturday, September 03, 2011

from far away....

having walked over the hill to bring Abbey in , then everybody else decides to come too... its a herd thing...