Thursday, April 07, 2011


how nice it is to see emeging buds, leaves, flowers, a bitof warmth in the sun, some heavy rain making it gloomy but no snow and no frost.
here are the beetroot in their module tray, and three trays of onions, all old seeds so sprinkled liberally, some very well germinating and some not. a tray of White Lisbon onions did not germinate at all so I have sat it outside, it might or might or might nor germinate in time. in the house the tomatos, peppers and aubergines have all germinated, hopefully get them to maturity sucessfully.
and a couple trays for salad leaves, they've germinated very well. I've had some already in a cheese sandwich, I've no patience!!


Madcap said...

I'm looking at your salad greens and kicking myself that I didn't start a tray myself!

Kerri said...

Hello Claire. It's been a while since I've visited. Haven't been getting around to keeping up with many of my blog friends these past several months.
It makes me happy to see your emerging buds and seedlings. Aren't they wonderful? Are they apple blossoms?
I haven't started any seeds yet but hope to get that done very soon.
Oh yes, must start some salad greens!
It was lovely to see your comment on my blog post. Thanks for stopping by and for your well wishes for my hubby. He's still not strong and progress is slow, but the warmer weather should help.
Happy spring!

bonnie said...

Yippee! I just cleaned up my little raised bed and planted seeds that don't mind cool weather last weekend. Sugar-snap peas, beets and chard. We're having a nice rainy week too - nice because I didn't soak the seeds so I'm glad they're getting the water that will get them going.

Probably won't be anything visible this weekend but I'll still be looking very hopefully!

clairesgarden said...

Madcap, start some now!!
Kerri, I'm not sure of the blossom, they were on a small tree I saw when I was out walking with Abbey. I must remember to look and see if it can be identified.
Bonnie, ohh chard, I must remember to plant some, its such a useful plant and goes on forever here.

susan said...

It's so nice to see your little plantlings eager to grow.

clairesgarden said...

Susan, its lovely to have stuff growing. been eating the salad leaves almost as quick as they come up!

Lynn said...

Yay! It is Spring for sure. I've gotten salad greens, bunching onion and French Breakfast radish started.

You are off to a great start!