new to me car, a nine year old Skoda, runs great! my poor old Fiesta rusted away around its never failing engine......what a shame! I picked the Skoda up yesterday after 2 1/2 weeks without a car and trying to get everywhere by bus. Two jobs and one wee pony and the bus adds hours onto the day. I'm very relieved to have a car and get some energy back.

and I thought if I could get myself a car then Abbey could have a nice new pink headcollar. She does have lots of 'stuff' but most of it has been bought second hand. Her old headcollar hanging on the wall there is second hand and too big for her...it'll go in the wash and be kept for spare. Now.... I think I need to get a nice pink lead-rope to match......
Congrats on the new car, Claire! It will make your life easier as you say.
Pink! I didn't know Abbey was such a girly girl...
Congrats on the new car, Claire! It will make your life easier as you say.
Pink! I didn't know Abbey was such a girly girl...
Oop yet again I've got 2! Sorry about that. I'm getting used to hubby's new itty bitty netbook... Think I'm having some little trouble!
beautiful Claire, well your life will be easier than before.please send me an email
and write your right address,
francesca Cleopatra and Ivan
Is her head collar the bridle? It looks lovely as does her pink blankie.
We went one summer in Portland without a car. Since nothing anywhere is close or convenient anymore, life became easier when we purchased another one - gently used, of course.
sooo glad i could get another car, it really makes my days easier.
Susan, I have put up a picture of the rope headcollar I ride in, the pink one is for other people to put her in and out(as I am at work) as they cannot tie the knot on her rope headcollar...........I shrug and leave them to it. poor pony, though she does look lovely in pink!!
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