a very unkempt garden, thought it translates to photo very well, look at the long shadow of the greenhouse in the low winter sun, and this is before midday...it was a nice morning so another veggy bed was tidied and turned over with some home compost(one at a time due to sore back), two potatoes, two parsnips and one turnip being the total of todays harvest, now being stewed for my dinner.

Smokey Tiptoes gets onto the doorstop for the second time...yesterday this was as far as she got, today she made it into the garden for one minute....then she decides life as a house cat must be too good and gets back up the stairs pronto!! I'm glad she sees the house as a place of safety, and that she did not bolt away.
Your Smokey Tiptoes is a cutie. I like the name you chose. It suits her :)
She's a lucky girl to have you to love and care for her. So sad that her brother was run over.
We had a dismal start to autumn but then the weather turned nice and, for the most part, we've had a beautiful Indian Summer these past few weeks. We're back to dismal at the moment though, which is what we have to expect, like it or not. The reprieve was a gift :)
We're enjoying garlic, carrots and potatoes from the garden....all dug now. Lots of garlic has been planted for next year, and there's plenty of sweet corn in the freezer. Yum!
Your garden certainly doesn't look messy to me - in fact, it's quite lovely as it is.
I'm glad to know Smokey Tiptoes is settling in after the sad loss of her brother. She's very sweet looking.
Kerri, glad you got some good weather, we're cold and reasonably dry, I am happy to wrap up and glad the rain is not here!
Susan, thankyou! the garden will have to stay like that till next spring now, to wet and cold to work in it.
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