this was the last blue poppy, I don't think there will be any more flowers this year, hope it comes back again next year.

at the other end of the garden this beautiful poppy is making a weed of itself, there are so many but I haven't the heart to pull them out. I think I started out with large doubles and small singles and they've produced a middle sized semi double, mother nature at work with art!

the bees love them!
Thanks, Claire.
Loving the poppies -- especially that last one with the bee.
Very beautiful photos Claire. Fine time of year, no?
Wildside, grateful for the poppys and the bees.
Gary, it is yes!!
i love the way poppies just volunteer without any prodding at all. these are brilliant!
GF, volunteers always welcome!
Wow, these are awesome! Love the red poppies. I recall as a kid in Canada in the fall, we always wore fake ones and sold various sizes to people to remember...something that I can't remember now! I think we called it "Remembrance Day" (I am getting those types of things mixed up with other important days) and it was about, you know...war and veterans and stuff. They call it something different here and I am all mixed up now! But that is what red poppies always make me think of!
Such beautiful shots, Claire, and I totally love the one of the bee in the flower. Awesome!!
Lowa, poppies to celebrate the end of the second world war, we do that here, there's very few old brave soldiers left now.
Alice, thankyou!!
Such a busy little bee! Love the blue poppy I have not seen one before this!Gorgeous!
I love those electric bluer poppies, am hoping to get some of these in my garden next year! :-)
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