2008 was a leap year like this one. I wrote ''a quick walk round the rainy wind blown garden, the helebores are flowering beautifully, snowdrops, crocus and daffodills, primrose, pulmonaria.....too wet to take the camera outside! I found a crocus with its stem snapped, and it was rolled up tightly so I brought it in and plonked it in a jar, within 20 minutes it had opened up, lovely!''
I do miss my garden, and hope to have another one someday.
What a beautiful crocus, and so fortunate that you found it and gave it another chance at life.
I've been enjoying catching up on your blog. Leaving messages like footprints in the sand, lol.
What a lucky little crocus...saved by the lady gardener! I think she's smiling :) She's a lovely colour Claire. Glad you found her. I hope the sun comes out for you soon so you can get out there and show us all those other lovely blooms!
Alice, footprints most welcome! Granny, a weed is only something unwanted, so if you like it its officially a flower. Kerri, not sure how 'saved' it was. the house is too warm and its keeled over completely now.
there are pots of crocuses in the shops here, brave little innocents. out of doors the world is sub-zero and colorless. i toast your lovely garden over my morning libation to Saint Caffeine.
Shirl, i like them, they just don't grow well for me, maybe I miss them in all the weather! Bonnie, love your voluteer picture! Grannyfiddler, cheers, different timezones so toasting you back with wine!
A lifetime of kind horsemanship, I think we were doing natural horsemanship before it was ''invented''
I have completed Level One with Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship.
I am sad I can no longer access the Parelli learning platform, its just too expensive with too many changes.
I've tried some clicker training with good results , but haven't found any one person to wholly agree with. I guess I'll just need to keep trying to see what works
What a beautiful crocus, and so fortunate that you found it and gave it another chance at life.
I've been enjoying catching up on your blog. Leaving messages like footprints in the sand, lol.
Hope all is going well for you, dear friend.
I discovered the pretty yellow flowers in my yard are mustard.
Oh well. They're still pretty. A weed is a flower misplaced.
What a lucky little crocus...saved by the lady gardener! I think she's smiling :) She's a lovely colour Claire. Glad you found her. I hope the sun comes out for you soon so you can get out there and show us all those other lovely blooms!
Alice, footprints most welcome!
Granny, a weed is only something unwanted, so if you like it its officially a flower.
Kerri, not sure how 'saved' it was. the house is too warm and its keeled over completely now.
Hi there, Claire :-)
Funnily enough I never really rated the crocus until this year. It really is a pretty little flower both in and out of the sunshine isn't it :-D
We found the funniest stray crocus at Sebago, just out in the middle of the ground, we know we didn't plant it!
I took a picture of course.
there are pots of crocuses in the shops here, brave little innocents. out of doors the world is sub-zero and colorless. i toast your lovely garden over my morning libation to Saint Caffeine.
Shirl, i like them, they just don't grow well for me, maybe I miss them in all the weather!
Bonnie, love your voluteer picture!
Grannyfiddler, cheers, different timezones so toasting you back with wine!
It been a while time since I been around. I was wondering who was still blogging.
Coffee is on
blogging seems to have been taken over a lot by facebook. I like facebook for getting in touch with people, its often the easiest way.
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