wow, what a fabulous day today, there is actually a feeling of warmth from the sun and the horizontal rain has taken a pause, here is the autumn flowering kaffir lily still being confused

crocus are starting to come up in pots

a little heather cutting starting to flower

and the snowdrops start to come up in the garden.
We had a couple of warm days in a row here and all manner of things grew overnight.
Some were toadstools; others pretty yellow flowers. They're weeds but very bright and cheerful ones.
you're making me miss my greenhouse, Claire. there wouldn't be flowers growing in it just yet, but it would be warm enough on a sunny day to bask a bit over a cuppa. your green babies give me heart in the long, cold northern winter. spring really will come again.
Oh, wow! Snow Drops -- I can't wait!!!
Granny, its nice to get outside without having ten layers of waterproof clothing on. . .
Grannyfiddler, unfortunatley today its back to horizontal rain, I hope spring brings some drier weather.
Wildside, me neither!!
I rambled on to you in my comments section of my blog, if you have time to go read it:) LOL
it's been the same in Hereford despite the weather forecasts of heavy rain.
No sign of spring here.
Signs of spring (bulbs) are starting around here! That's when I know Winter does in fact have an end!
Katie at GardenPunks
Horizontal rain, huh? Sorry! We've had icy-snowy-intermixed with hail and sticking to everything-rain (delayed school 2 days in a row). Too chilly to want to explore too much outside for signs of spring - although I did notice my fennel and cicely and chervil all looking rather green and frondy a week or so ago...
Lowa, just popping over now.
Frankie, we're back to high winds and bursts of rain now. bleh.
Peppylady, think spring is still far off here too, Wednesday was just a tease!
Katie, its good to see the bulbs starting, and try to remember exacty what was planted where?
Tara, I haven't been out in the garden at all, too wet!
The beautiful red of that Kaffir lily is a welcome sight today when all we have to look at outside is snow. It's frigid, with a cold wind blowing. Seeing signs of spring must be so encouraging for you.
Your climate is quite a bit milder than ours.
I'll bet those mushrooms tasted wonderful. Hope you get some more!
Wow, flowers already. We're a very long ways from that yet, but I know the time will fly by and be here soon enough. Though I'm enjoying winter well enough I do look forward to spring.
Congratulations on your new job. & more horses, wow. I used to actually really like shoveling out the horse stalls. A labor of love, I guess, though oddly enough I kind of like the smell of horse stalls and cattle feed lots. Guess either I'm crazy or I'm farm gal through and through.
Thanks for dropping by to visit and leave a comment. Reba sends her love too. We both sure wish you were coming out here again this year, lol. I'd love to go visit in the Kootenays again, but not sure it will happen this year... depends on $$ for gas in the truck. If not this year then for sure next.
Kerri, there was a bit of snow on the hills yesterday but it seems unlikely it will lie here. there are a couple more mushrooms coming up in the box, its in the bedroom now, keeping warm.
Alice, with you on the money for gas thing-hence the mucking out of stables!!
wow, very exciting to see Snowdrops popping up!
oh my goodness -- SO uplifting! We have a good two to three months of winter left here in Canada (I'm in the province of Ontario) before we get to that stage. I can't WAIT.
Becky, theres some not flowered yet in the garden, thats what I'm waiting for.
Randa, its difficult to wait!!
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