however they just sent me this
"We appreciate that you chose eBay to list the following auction-style listing:: Valley Nordkapp sea kayak, compass, tow rope, However, your listing was in breach of eBay's Inappropriate Links policy and has been removed from eBay. All fees related to this listing have been credited to your account. We also notified members who placed bids on the item that the listing has been canceled."
I had decided if it didn't sell then more effort to regain fitness was in order as I would then keep it.
next week I start a Saturday job mucking out eight competition horses. that'll increase fitness.
right, back onto e-bay to look for a roof rack for the Fiesta.
see you on the water next year then.
Good Grief! If you ever sell a canoe suitable for someone with a very big bottom, let me know.
frankie, part of the reason I was selling this is the spread of my own nethers, and the boat's a tight fit. well the horses will just have to work it off.
some things are just meant to be, Claire. though, if i wasn't half way round the world, i'd have given it a serious look over.
sounds like you've found the best of both worlds.
Ah, Claire! On this end, so relieved...
You look so happy in the boat!
(& happy to hear about the horsey job too. A good fit.)
How very curious! Was there a reason given as to why the listing was inappropriate? Did you swear all the way through the ad? :)
Well Claire, it sounds like you're not too unhappy about it, so that's good.
Don't do your back in mucking out those horses!! Yes, plenty of exercise in that job, but you must be careful!
I love the photo :)
I'm so glad to read that the happy lady in the photo will be keeping her boat and keep paddling! You've had me worried for some time when you put her up for sale...
well there were two bids on it, it hadn't reched my fairly hefty reserve, there had been 700 views and 55 people were watching it, it had been on for six days and was due to end at lunch time today. so they took it of at about 6pm last night objecting to the links to maufacturers I had used to desribe the boat, compass and towrope. surely they could just have removed the links, everybody uses links! I spent the whole week worrying about it so I'm not putting it on again.
My husband seems to think that you cannot link to things unless you have an ebay store. If you wanted to try again, you could just remove the links and use photos.
They are fun, though, those Kyaks. So you win either way really!
God bless.
Terri, yes it seems so, but i hadn't known that.
I am surprised that you were even trying to sell it! That was funny what you said about your nethers:) LOL I can relate, trust me!
I hope you keep it and enjoy more time on the water.
Trying to navigate ebay can be like treading in treacherous waters... (ha)
Glad you get to keep your boat though.
It was meant to be! Keep on paddling. My boat is tucked up safely for the winter and I'm already dreaming of the Spring!
I use Ebay a lot, even bought a car this fall. Weird that they rejected your posting. Maybe it is the sign you took it to be Claire. You sure look happy in that photo.
Some things truly are meant to be and this must be one of them. It's a great way to stay in shape ... plus you look good in a kayak!!
LOL, there is no 'nethers' in any English-Polish dictionary I had look :) I can only guess :)
Yes, I also believe that there is reason behind everything :)
That picture was not taken in December, right?
Ewa, your guess is as good as mine. photo taken on a fine august day i think.
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