in the foreground of this bed are leeks, behind them are brussels sprouts(recently planted out when I cleared my first lettuce patch), cabbages and kale, also one red poppy trying to hide.

Nyagous tomato is starting to ripen, changing colour very slowly, the skin looks rough and cracked but it should taste ok.
I'm getting quite a few tomatoes on my bushes all green though.
Did the rain crack your rain.
Peppylady, my tomatoes are in a greenhouse so any problems with watering are all my fault. the weather is being quite changable from hot to cold so thats no good either. I might try them outside next year, they can't be any worse!
Love that one red poppy amidst all the green.
Thanks for the comment. I'm still having internet woes and it's very slow getting around to everyone.
I have a comment half typed - the net goes down and even if it comes back a minute later, the damage is done.
Grany, computers are fine when they are working! these poppys are coming up in odd places, self seeded, I don't weed them out they are too pretty.
Looking good, Claire! --Wildside
Wildside, can't help thinking it would look better if the sun shone? think I'm a bit grumpy today.
We're under grey & very wet skies too for the past week and into next... A bit odd for July here.
Wildside, Deb is in Seattle, complaining about the fog and the rain. . .
I love the floxglove and peony.. Not much luck here in this humid hot climate for poppies until fall!! Thanks for coming and visiting my site..
DF, so many different plants for different climates, it almost makes you want to travel the world. . .
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