this little black viola has self seeded. these are meant to be edible but its too pretty to pick.

Cerinthe major purpurescens, grown from seed.. I am sure I planted seeds for a yellow one as well but they have not appeared yet.

sweet pea 'Borderline' , lovely colour and good scent too. there's no point in haveing them unless they're good and smelly!

this is a funny plant, Parahebe perfoliata, common name - diggers speedwell, its kind of spidery and creepy with these lovely little sprays of flowers.

and here's the cold frame still full of stuff which should have been planted out by now? and I do believe there's a fine crop of dandelions growing up the front of it too.....
I am going to an open garden this afternoon so will hopefully have some nice pictures from that to put on through the week.
WOW! Chicken wire sheep...
Lovely flowers...mmmm, love the smell of sweet peas. The cerinthe major purpurescens is unusual. Don't think I've ever seen that before. The little viola is just beautiful. The diggers speedwell is interesting too.
Nice that you have a cold frame. I can see how much you love to grow things :)
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