Friday, December 30, 2005

and it snowed

I'm glad I managed to potter round the garden yesterday when the weather was cold but sunny.
This morning it looked like this!
Now the snow has started to thaw its not so pretty.


Wildside Musing said...

Linked to this from PTF e-neighbors...

So you're in Scotland and I'm faraway here -- yet our greenhouses look pretty much the same! Thanks for sharing your blogsite. Good job and lovely photos!

I'm still trying to figure out how to best blog; maybe one day it will all flow together nicely.

City Hippy said...

Hey Claire

I love snow...lived in Nova Scotia for 6 years...great fun in the winters.

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I too feel the pain of living in a world of people who seem oblivious as to what is happening around them.

But keep Ghandi said to chase away the darkness one need not light the world, just their little corner.

Your blog is good stuff. And it lights many a corner I am sure.



clairesgarden said...

thankyou , I like that lighting up my bit and realise thats all i can try to do, a good hold on reality,