Monday, December 23, 2024

making soap as a hobby

melt and pour soap. using clear and white soaps.
various colours  using mica, some glitter
added Beans for interest, how sweet is she sleeping !! awake she bites... lol
again more mica colours, this one using all clear soap.

oh, also all each soap batch I did had a different fragrance, some essential oils, some fragrance oils. 

my tutuorials came from YouTube, just look up 'Melt and Pour Soap Making' and you will find a thousand videos... lol


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Happy Solstice !!

I always look forward to this day, and that we will start to get lighter longer days. I suffer from Seasonal Affected Disorder, SAD  ==  due to not getting enough light, this year was such a dull summer too, so I started to use my Bruer light in the mornings in September !! The light is on for about 20 minutes in the morning while I have my first cup of tea.
some science....