my gardening friend Billy died yesterday. he always likes things done the right way, which is the way his dad did it. at the end of season his greenhouse was always "rededd oot", meaning a good clean. and he would frown at, but still forgive, my ornaments in my greenhouse, his wife says he called it a "girls greenhouse". a marvellous tall man for putting in the glass. he'll be sorely missed.
I'm sorry. That will leave a hollow spot for quite a while, I'm sure.
Sad news about Billy doll. You will need to remember to take the side shoots off the tomatoes next year....and give the greenhouse a good reddin oot....in his honour!
Just got your message for the tag Claire. Things have been busy here as you can imagine. So very very sorry to hear about your friend Billy especially at this time of the year for his family. l smile at his words, "a girls greenhouse'- can so imagine his character from just that.
Hugs xx
I'm sorry to hear your bad news Claire.
thanks everybody for your kind thoughts for Billy.
Claire, I am SO SORRY. I have been very neglectful in my visits. Things are incredibly chaotic around here and I have not checked in.
I had a few minutes and thought I would check in and see how you were faring. Something (God??) prompted me to pop in for a visit. I did NOT expect this news! This seems very sudden. I have not caught up on your news in months, so perhaps he was ill and it was expected. Either way, it is very sad news.
He was pretty young, wasn't he?? I don't know what to say. I pray you all (you, his family and all who loved him) will adjust to the hole in your lives as peacefully and happily as possible.
Take care and take it easy, eh?
condolences on the loss of a dear friend. many of my friends are quite aged... i try not to fret about the day i'll lose them. no doubt your garden will comfort and remind you fondly of Billy.
i have a 'girl's greenhouse' too. with a chair in it for a cuppa when the weather's too dreary to be in the 'real' out-of-doors. i also have a small truck, instead of a car, as it's so much more practical for hauling stones, straw, earth, etc. for garden work. my sons refer to it as a 'girl's truck'. it has a lovely pocket behind the seat that's the perfect size for my racquetball racquet, and i'm quite sure a kayak will look stunning atop it.
Hi Claire. My heart goes out to you at this sad news. I know from experience just how hard it is to "loose" our friends and other loved ones. I do believe, though, that they go to a much better place, a much better life, when they leave the physical body behind. So, while it is sad for those of us left behind, it is joyous for them. Though I am not ready to go yet, I look forward to the day I get to "fly free" and be reunited with those I love that have gone on before me.
Hugs to you.
I am very sorry...he sounded like a good gardening buddy.
thankyou all for your kind messages, funeral tomorrow, such a sad time for his family. he's going to be missed by a lot of people!
How very sad to lose your dear friend Billy. I'm sure you'll think of him whenever you go into your girlie greenhouse and see the ornaments and a multitude of other little garden chores and plants will bring him to mind :) Gone, but not forgotten.
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