Saturday, November 27, 2021

more daffodils

more daffodil bulbs into some pots, these were intended for putting out in the garden but didn't get around to it... so at least they are planted and they can be transferred into the garden after they have flowered

a couple already showing that they are starting to grow... poor things left in a bag....
and they are topped off with compost and a layer of stones and left outside. hmmm... think maybe a couple could go in the greenhouse to see if they'll flower earlier.
cold. very windy storm over Friday night... a couple of panes of the greenhouse have suffered... but patched up now. surrounding area has seen fences and trees down, so I'm thankful there wasn't more
Casper getting tucked up on my bed, under the blanket in the sun. he looks pleased . lol. bless him.

1 comment:

WILDSIDE said...

Ah, Casper! (You're such a goodie, and this meant in a good way, Claire!)