Thursday, January 08, 2009

if you must buy yourself presents...

make it a big one!!

this is 'Kevic Abbeydale', Abbey is her daily name, she is a Welsh Cob, Section D, about 14hh and about 9years old. we became an official partnership yesterday and I'm still a bit emotional about it all! we'll be following the Natural Horsemanship path of Quantum Savvy and I'm looking foward to the journey.


Michael said...

WOW Claire!! What a wonderful present! I love her colour. She's a real cutie! I'll be following your adventures together, so keep posting.
Best wishes for 2009!

Claire MW said...

Oh my, she's beautiful! Lucky you! I'll be looking forward to the continuing story!

clairesgarden said...

Michael, she's wee sweetie, there are sure to be lots of photos and stories to come! blessings to you for 2009!!
Claire, thankyou, she knows she's gorgeous, I tell her every five minutes!!

Wildside said...

Micheal beat me the first WOW! But WOW, Claire!!! Congrats to you & Abbey!

hesitant scribe said...

Oh My!!! Words fail me. I'm so happy for you - and that he's everything you dreamed. Also, very excited about the Natural Horsemanship stuff too- and can't wait to read how you're both getting along with it! As soon as I get a bit beter again. I'll be joining you in the horse-ownership club!!!

gfid said...

we'll all be watching for those pictures. she really is a lovely color. give that velvet nose a rub for me.

clairesgarden said...

Wildside, cheers!
Lisa, she's wee horse with a big heart, get better soon!!
GF, more pictures as soon as the days are lighter, its been getting a bit dark when I've been to see her.

Frankie said...

OOOOOOhhhh - I want, I want, i want one. Well done for making the leap!!

clairesgarden said...

Frankie, I've wanted one for a very long time!!

bonnie said...

OMG Congratulations!

Kerri said...

Claire, I'm so tickled for you! Abbey is as lovely as her name. She's a real beauty...and a gorgeous colour!
What a phenomenal present! Good for you!
Merry Christmas indeed :)
(can you tell I'm excited for you?) :)
I know you'll have wonderful times together. Looking forward to lots of pics.

clairesgarden said...

Bonnie, OMG indeed!
Kerri, lots of pics coming up as soon as the weather improves, its too dark and wet!

bonnie said...

Oh, guess what the best part of my Christmas vacation was (at least the gathering of the clans in NC part)?

I got to ride!

And better yet, I got to ride 2 beautiful Arabians. One of them I got to try riding bareback (I haven't ridden bareback since I was a kid) and the other one I got to try riding without a bridle.

The bareback was pretty shaky - Cami's a really well trained & sensitive horse & if you so much as touch her with a heel, she starts moving out. Hard to not get the heels involved when I was sitting on a horse without a saddle for the first time in like 30 years. I think if I'd had more time & had tried on the lesson horse (a big Quarter Horse, great horse but a bit less of a Ferrari!) it might have gone better. there were no actual disasters - I just felt like the biggest klutz in the world.

The bridle-free riding - that was really cool. Didn't get to do it long enough to quite sort out how I told him which way to go with no reins (there were moments when I actually seemed to be giving him a coherent message, then I'd lose it) but we did work out stopping and starting just about perfectly.

I just wish there'd been more time!

Matron said...

Where did you find so much wrapping paper for that prezzie!! She looks intelligent, you can see that in her expression. Have fun together!

Pia said...

hi. thanks. i'm excited to receive the calendar. =D

God bless you.

clairesgarden said...

Poetikat, I'll make room!!....she'll be staying at a farm up the road.
Bonnie, that sounds amazing! what a great thing to try.
Matron, well if its a prezzie for yourself you don't have to wrap it...
Pia, blessing to you too!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

So very excited for you. Sorry for not leaving many comments. I do lurk and plan to come back and leave one, but then I get side tracked.

Just wanted you to know how thrilled I am for both you and Abbey. She's goig to have such a wonderful time with you..and you with her, too.

This time last year, I was horse shopping, too.
And this year, I'm laid up from falling off the horse I bought!

Oh well! lol!


New Mexico, USA

Lowa said...

Well I clearly have some catching up to do! She is just gorgeous! Congrats!