Thursday, July 13, 2006


red geraniums
these poppys have self seeded and open
like this
I love this colour of clematis, it was a cutting and does not have a name.


Sigruns German Garden said...

Claire, I also have Poppys, which come selfseeding. This one is a normal papaver Somniferum, I think. The clematis looks very good, exactly my colour. I have not much luck with Clematis.


Wildside Musing said...

Claire, I tried to comment here yesterday but couldn't despite all the time waiting for the comments page to draw up! (More blogging troubles... Sigh! ;-) )

That is some poppy you have there! I've never seen anything like it...

Cat is screeching that I must get offline now, so that I will do...

Lowa said...

These are beautiful!

Kerri said...

Lovely flower photos! I have self-seeded poppies blooming now too. Mine are mostly red though, not your pretty colours. I'm pretty sure your clematis is a Jackmanii, like mine. You can see it on my blog if you like.
I've loved catching up with your posts. Baby Angus is adorable :) Loved seeing your yard before and've done so much work.
My hubby does well with successive planting, but it's hard to fit in all that work and organization when you're working.
That doggy picture is wonderful :)
Your friends' vege garden is spectacular!

Anonymous said...

THose are really good flower photos.

clairesgarden said...

Sigrun, the poppy's here are self seeding too, they started off al different colours but are only pink now. I planted three clematis but only this one is left.
Wildside, you must give more attention to the cat! perhaps I should post more pictures of Daisy and Tansy for her?
Lowa and Dragonfly, thankyou very much
Kerri, my friends garden is amazing, they have done so much work this year.