Saturday, July 14, 2018

sunny summer

having a great lead horse is so important in training others. I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to help me. Quince did not leave the farm environment till she was 9 and then spent two years in a quiet out of town place though she did get used to cars and bikes there. for the last six months she has had to get used to going past houses and people, and all the mad things they do. scaffolding to re -roof, cutting grass and hedges, washing cars, putting up new fences and just as she gets used to that they paint it a different colour. a childrens play park and the children who run screaming to see a horse. .... just beyond the houses we have lovely off road paths to wander, only a few miles but I love it.
on the subject of houses... I am still camping in my daughters spare room. I sorted through some boxes this week that have been packed in a hurry in various places over the years. there was a few surprises in there. I got from six boxes down to four, a bag of stuff for the charity shop and some stuff to sell on ebay. and a few good finds to use, some t-shirts and a waterproof jacket. I need those.
I'm not feeling too great today. I came home from work early last night not feeling well. either sun-stroke , food poisoning or a combination of them both. I left Quince to cool down before getting a feed.. myself? I was rushed into the farmhouse and given a wonderful lunch containing a lot of mayonnaise , eggs, cream , fruit.... I usually don't eat that much during the day particularly before going to work as I have heavy duties to do.
and my work has a policy that if you have been ill you cannot have an extra shift. so I am not allowed to work the shift that was an extra today.. that leaves them short staffed and me short of money.


WILDSIDE said...

:-( Understand the "moan", Claire! Hope you do get to feeling better soon...

Been trying not to visit here, but yet here I am again, just wanting to see what's up. And feeling guilty as too much life is getting in the way of the intention of getting something into the snail mail your way.

clairesgarden said...

sometimes feel better just getting my thoughts ''out there''. wherever they may travel to.
not getting notifications of comments, no idea why.
nice to here from you on here or mail xx

WILDSIDE said...

Don't think we've been getting our email or notifications on time lately, not sure quite why. Ours is not to question? (No, no, no?)

Hmm.. pausing on that. To think or not to think? Another question to consider.

In the meanwhile, I've tried to find that original "scream into the void" that was once found for me, but think perhaps it is no more, and that perhaps good. Had no idea where that was going, who would be reading it, or what it might be used for later?

Hope your today is going well.

clairesgarden said...

think it was heat and sunstroke. better after a couple of days and careful to note when starting to feel too hot now. not used to hot weather here and its going on and on and on.. lovely but the farmers really need rain.
few days off now and a weekend away to watch horse training next weekend. xx

WILDSIDE said...

Hope you enjoy your time off & away! And are able to stay cool enough.
Sizzling hot here too. Just trying to keep things alive enough to survive to another year... A few handfuls of sun-basked berries have been wonderful, but they shrivel up quickly... But on a positive note -- just may be, may be, our grapes will get ripe this year! They usually don't...

Our kitty has disappeared on us. I fear something very terrible must have happened to him.But may be he has just found someone with air conditioning!

Bye for now, take good care, Claire!

clairesgarden said...

oh dear, hope kitty turns up. xx

WILDSIDE said...

So sad. :-( No sign of him at all which is very unusual despite the fact he insists on being an outdoor kitty -- so I think the coyotes may have gotten him. I hear them yipping tonight in the park across the street. But I still am hoping yet that someone may have kidnapped him and are forcing him to live inside with air conditioning! The stories I tell myself...

Anyway... No more kitties until the next one shows up on our doorstep like this one did. It is a rough life for them here.

WILDSIDE said...

LOL, Claire -- after that eulogy, here's an update!

(At least I hope it is what I think it is and that you will get a chuckle out of this... And hope your today is going well.)

WILDSIDE said...

just now emailed you the behind story too!