Monday, August 07, 2006

fun paddling

out tonight on the Clyde at Greenock, nice and bumpy but not overly so. I usually paddle my Nordkapp and tonight had a quick paddle in the club Anas Acuta, I own one of these but it is awaiting outer surface refurbishment; the club boat has had gel coat applied to reseal the surface, it is approximatley the same age as mine(over 30 years, they made em good!). I was planning to 'Marine Cut' the surface on mine and try to polish the existing lay, the expert of the gel coat says my surface won't polish, any opinions??


Michael said...

Check out Derrick's blog (link from my blog called He is going to post something about gel coating a kayak this week that might interest you.
I know nothing... I do know I'm off to Newfoundland for 10 days and I'm excited!

clairesgarden said...

Michael, thanks for that suggestion, hope you have a great paddle.

Michael said...

Sadly, this trip will be in an RV with my wife and cousins, so no paddling (or very little). Still, I'll be looking for places and people to paddle with for next year! Be ready to pack your bags a year from now!

Peggy said...

I looked up the Nordkappp--WOW, what a beauty!!!

Love all the flower and garden pictures--just gorgeous!
