Saturday, March 04, 2006

roofing progress

Progress seems very slow but the chimneys have gone and the tiles have started to go on, I went to bed yesterday with two hot-water bottles, an extra quilt and two cats.
The frost on the greenhouse looks a bit like a spiders web, the greenhouse nighttime temperature was -5C, brr. . . chilly. . .
I thought birds would strip the holly of berries but there still seems a lot on this one, I think its Golden King.
I lifted up this flower to take its hidden view, such a shame hellebores always nod their heads. The leaves and flowers of the hellebore are suffering from the frosts, one dark one hasn't flowered and doesn't look like its going to. My fingers look a bit wrinkley under the magnification, this is the camera on 'super macro'.


Jim said...

Beautiful photos and it looks like you and the new camera are getting along just fine.

How did you manage to hold that flower and take the picture on super macro at the same time?

clairesgarden said...

thankyou Jim, I had a good play with the camera last weekend as my order of extra sd cards(2x512mb) and two sets of rechargable batteries arrived before I went, I had forgotten the instruction manual so I played around with it, perhaps more than I normally would, which is probably the best way. I think I rested the camera body on my wrist to take the hellebore photo, the end of the lens was probably about an inch away from it and seems a wee bit too close for the focus. Not so happy about the focus on the frost either, it kept trying to focus through the glass, more practice needed!

Anonymous said...

Oooooh Hellebores are one of my favorites. Unfortunately I only have a lenten rose hellebore. what colors do you have?

I've been meaning to link to you, but I haven't gotten time yet. I promise I will really soon.

Norene Griffin said...

beautiful photos. you're really getting the hang of your camera. i have yet to use mine as anything but a point and shoot.

clairesgarden said...

Norene, the camera has a lot of buttons! I tend to go around with the instruction manual in my pocket so I can refer to it, but the extra media definatley helps as I can take more photgraphs and play around, just remember I am not posting the 500 or so which were rubbish!! ha, last weekend especially there were several of my feet!! not even in focus!
Dragonfly, I have(I think) this photographed pink one, a really dark one which hasn't flowered as I moved it last year, a slightly less dark one which is in flower, the 'common' green one which is about to flower, a lividus which has pinky/browny/greeny flowers and is about to flower and a corsicus which arrived as a cutting last year and I have no idea what colour it is or when it flowers. I should take a series of photos and post them when I have the complete set!

grannyfiddler said...

i have dreams of growing holly. it's only seen as a pot plant here, indoors. i think your greenhouse in winter is warmer than mine through much of spring and fall. i wouldn't try to grow tomatoes at all without it. many folk 'round here do grow them w/o a greenhouse, but it's a triumph to get a few ripe ones before the frost gets them, and you're left with only a meagre basket of green ones to ripen on the windowsill.

clairesgarden said...

Granny fiddler, variegated hollies are a nice cheerful plant if somewhat pricly to cut back, the one I photgraphed has to be cut back as it grows over a path, in my friend Fiona's garden a plain green one pops up like weeds in the gravel, birds must bring the seeds in from a nearby tree and I've got several of them potted up to give away. I grew tomatoes outside the first year I was here and made great green-tomato chutney!

Wildside Musing said...

Roof up yet?