Sunday, February 18, 2024

time to start seeds

Beans exhausted after supervising my splitting clumps of snowdrops to share some with a friend. they were dug up this morning, bulbs washed and put into damp paper. then transplanted into their new garden in the afternoon. hopefully they will put on a good show next spring
very mild temperatures and a mostly dry day, later in the week its to get back to freezing, and its to be wet most day, hopefully not too windy. 
time to start seeds , a tray of Onion Tosca
and a tray of Leek Blue Solaise
in the greenhouse with plastic propagator lids over the top. these veggies can cope with the cold
I've had seeds from MoreVeg before, they always do well, they are in smaller packets which are perfect for the home garden grower, and very economical to buy. 

the light was fading and those last photos have a funny tint to them. the streetlamps weren't on yet but it was starting to get dark. the days are noticably longer which pleased me very much. I use a SAD lamp in the mornings to try and combat the winter blues. 


WILDSIDE said...

Ah, Beans! Hi Claire! yes, isn't wonderful for more daylight?!

WILDSIDE said...

Hello, again! Beans looks just like the kitty I have next to me today, but perhaps a younger version! Soft white underbelly and all the rest... (BTW, I am jealous of your leeks, LOL?~!)

WILDSIDE said...

and just because of your influence -- LOL! i bought leek seed yesterday; hopefully, it will get planted? not sure. someday it will. our advice has said sometime a few more months from now... but they take so long to grow!!! i don't have much luck with them; only once did they work out. as i'll be the only one eating them, i suppose it doesn't matter much, but my welsh friend (3000 miles away!) makes such a wonderful soup with them when we visit... and it might prove a welcome change from all the garlic i tend to eat! (i'll be moving away again from internet access for awhile; one day very soon, so today I'll send you good luck wishes for everything from across the miles!)

clairesgarden said...

get your seeds in under some protection right away, they can be planted out as soon as frosts are over. you can 'eat them as they grow'... I'm doing a little tray of thickly sown seeds to use when they look like grass.. you can chop them up over salads. and little leeks can be used raw or cooked. you don't have to wait till they are huge things to eat them.