Wednesday, November 04, 2009

and it rains and rains

thats about it


peppylady (Dora) said...

We got three and half inches of rain in Oct.
I believe in centimeters it would be 8.8

Coffee is on.

clairesgarden said...

hey Dora, think I'll just be staying indoors and drinking coffee!!

Anonymous said...

happy birthdays big princess, i didn't forget your day. i wished to send you something but the 2 jobs are breaking myself.
un grande abbraccio da Francesca, Ivan e Cleopatra

in front of the pc and a big cup of coffe but a worm sun light

bonnie said...

Ha, that was like the entire first half of the summer here.

word verification -


I am? Bummer.

clairesgarden said...

its still raining here anyway Bonnie, a river paddler commented the other day that all the rivers are washed out, the high water going over the top of all the obstacles and thats too boring!!